experience counts

I've been in the computer industry for a long time. I've held just about every position you can think of (all but the top IT spot). I've been a developer writing in C, C++, VB and Transact SQL. I've designed databases, systems, programs and websites. I've managed development, operations and tech support organizations. I've been a consultant since 1998. I worked for Microsoft for 11 years, Bank of Hawaii for 3+, Bank of America for 8, Eddie Bauer for 4, the federal government for 2, and Weyerhaeuser for 2 years. I've worked in raw materials and manufacturing, software development, banking, government and retail. Since 2005, I've been developing my talent for graphical design. Whatever kind of problem you face, I've probably already had to deal with it.

a lifetime of learning

A key characteristic of the computer industry has been relentless change - new technologies, languages, platforms and best practices appear almost daily. In my experience, one either keeps up, or changes careers. I guess that's the reason I stick with it. I have a strong need to learn.

working myself out of a job...

It's said, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." I know that it's a well-worn saying, but it's one that I take to heart. If you want to become self-sustaining, I'm happy to teach fishing. And if not, I'm a very good fisherman.

what can I do to help you?

My skills are as diverse as my experience. Whatever problem you're facing, there's no need to go it alone. Give me a call. Let's get this problem moving toward the history column. There just isn't a problem that we can't solve. (Assuming that you're not trying to solve world hunger...)